The East Northamptonshire economy has traditionally been embedded in footwear and farming. Over several generations, the changes in the local employment structure can – for some – result in a feeling of lack of opportunity and low aspirations for young people and their parents/carers.
The reality is that there are many new and emerging industries in Northamptonshire and our immediate surrounding area. Logistics, engineering (especially linked to the motor sport industries), retail and bespoke/craft food and drink production are all either well-established or up and coming, thriving in the locality and ripe to provide formal and informal opportunities for ‘work’ both within and beyond school. When this is combined with outstanding transport links and several world-class universities within an hour of our school, there are huge opportunities to exploit in order to provide significant choice and raise aspirations for all.
Providing our students with “Encounters with employers and employees” (Gatsby Benchmark 5) with a special emphasis on encouraging our former students to tell their stories, is an important part of our programme to show students the need to develop the employability skills, confidence and an awareness of the workplace to help them make the transition from learning to employment. This starts with our well-established “World of Work Day” which gives all Year 9 students the opportunity to select employer workshops on a wide range of careers and start exploring their aspirations and ambitions in the Spring term.
The Manor Exchange is an extension of the school’s strategy for Careers, Enterprise and Work-Related Learning in enhancing our links with local labour markets, employers, training providers and former students to develop the engagement our students have with the world of work and the local economy. We would welcome developing links with all sectors of the local economy but we are particularly interested in engaging with employers who can provide information, advice & guidance about apprenticeship pathways in construction, hair & beauty, transport & logistics and health & social care.
If you and/or your company or organisation would like to support our young people and are able to contribute to this strategy, we would be extremely grateful if you could complete the questionnaire using this link.
Labour Market Information
South East Midlands labour market overview