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Information, advice & guidance

Our Y11 IAG programme

Throughout KS4, a structured teaching programme and whole-year assemblies will provide students with an awareness of the range of future learning, apprenticeship and employment opportunities available in the local area.

At the start of Year 11, students complete a post-16 intentions form which will help us design the structure of our Information, Advice & Guidance programme. Some of this IAG will be in small groups of students who share similar intentions but as this process continues the majority of these meetings will be 1:1. Students who are unsure of what they plan to do will automatically be scheduled a 1:1 meeting with Mr. Hill.

Year 11 tutors will support this process by encouraging students to seek the IAG they need, complete their applications, attend any interviews and secure their place at their desired destinations. Tutors will also provide Mr. Hill with regular updates to provide the 1:1 IAG students require.

Our Y13 IAG programme

The structured programme in KS5 allows all students to assess the most appropriate apprenticeship, employment and university opportunities available. Towards the end of the Autumn term, students in Year 12 will be asked to complete a post-18 intentions form. This will help us organise and manage our programme for the remainder of Year 12 and Year 13 to prepare all students for their applications to achieve their desired pathway. The opportunity for students to arrange a 1:1 meeting with Mr. Hill is always available.

Students will be supported by tutors and academic mentors to research and prepare their applications. Guidance is also available when students are organising relevant work experience and volunteering opportunities to develop their employability skills and improve their CVs. Advice is also available to prepare students for interviews together with a full programme of visiting speakers, workshops and trips on a wide range of personal, social, health and careers education themes.

1:1 IAG appointments

All students at Manor School have regular conversations about future pathways through our tutoring programme. Careers IAG appointments can be booked with Mr. Hill ( or with Mrs Smedley ( in main reception on 01933 623921.

More IAG on a wide range of post-16 and post-18 learning pathways, apprenticeships and universities can be found at Unifrog or NCS.

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