REQM Gold Award

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Higher education

A structured programme is provided to help all students assess the most appropriate university opportunities available. Students in Year 12 will complete a post-18 intentions form towards the end of the Autumn term and will inform how we structure our programme for the remainder of Year 12 and Year 13. Information, Advice and Guidance to prepare applications to Oxford or Cambridge, Russell Group and the full-range of universities that suit an individual’s needs and ambitions will be provided in groups and 1:1 meetings. This will also involve exploring the options of completing a degree apprenticeship as an alternative to university.

Students will be supported by tutors and academic mentors throughout Year 12 and Year 13 to research and prepare their university application by organising relevant work experience (Work experience procedure) and volunteering opportunities to develop their employability skills. Guidance on writing UCAS personal statements and preparation for interviews will be provided, as well as a full programme of visiting speakers, workshops and trips on a wide range of personal, social, health and careers education themes.

University and Colleges Application Service

Need help choosing a university or a course?

Not going to university?

Have you considered an apprenticeship?

Student finance


Parents/carers guide

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