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Staff & Teaching Department Contacts

School Staff Contacts

Year 7 to 13 Tutors

NameTutor groupEmail Address
Amber Towers/Rebecca Moreton 7ATO   ,
Emma McDowell 7EMC  
Ketan Rohit 7KRO  
Martin Brooks 7MBR  
Ruby Breward 7RBR  
Sepfrah Simpson 7SSI  
Annie Colyer 8ACO  
Benjamin Mitchell-Bunce 8BMI  
Ella Armitage 8EAR  
Joel Beeney/Toni Hustwait 8JBE   ,
Nadeane Newman 8NNE   
Margaret Thompson 8SKE/MTN  
David Harris 9DHA  
Jeni Reece 9JRE  
Joshua Mayes 9JMS   
Rachel Ward/Nicole Eales 9RWA  ,
Glenn Turner 9GTU  
Zoe Downie 9ZDO  
Ayesha Mubarka 10AMU  
Caitlin Wildman 10CWI  
Daniel Barrett 10DBA  
Rachel Tracy 10RTR  
Sophie Allen 10SAL  
Ty Jeffery 10TJE  
Ben Cousins/Claire Johnson 11BCS   ,
Laura Per Gimeno 11LPG  
Melissa Barron 11MBA  
Sanjay Bhangal 11SBH  
Shelby Pell 11SPE  
Caitlin Holtman 12CHO  
Daniel Rowe 12DRO  
Lisa Freeston/Justine Mitchell-Bunce 12LFR   ,
Andrew Stephenson 13AST  
Daniel Skeggs 13DSK  
Kirstin Williams 13KWI  

Pastoral & Inclusion Team

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Matt Sturgess MST Associate Assistant Principal
Sarah Bishop SBP Progress Leader - Year 10
Alexis Rate ARA Progress Leader - Year 7   
Simon Isaacs SIS Progress Leader - Year 8   
Laura Jenkins LJE Progress Leader - Year 11
Phil Crowther PCR Progress Leader - Year 9  
Cheryl Collier CCO Progress Leader - 6th Form   
Deanna Edmunds DED Pastoral Support Officer  
Louise Druce LDR Pastoral Support Officer  
Dawn Isaacs DIS Pastoral Support Officer
Kim Hammond KHA Pastoral Support Officer  
Delphine Nattrass DNA Pastoral Support Officer  
Megan Sydenham MSY Designated Safeguarding Lead  
Sophie Parrish SPA Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead  
Harriet Notley HNO SENDCo  
Emma Connolly ECO SEND Administrator   
Rebecca Tedder RTE Teaching Assistant (Level 2)    
Louise Collett LCO Teaching Assistant
Adelle Hyde AHY Teaching Assistant  
Chloe Price CPR Teaching Assistant  
Sarah Rollinson SRN Teaching Assistant
Rebecca Whitby RWH Teaching Assistant
Joanne Woods-Shepherd JWS Teaching Assistant 

CTLA Support Team

NameInitialRoleEmails Address
Bob Payne BPA Exams and Data Manager
Donna Harrison DHN Exams and Data Administrator
Chantelle Dace CDC Reprographics/Art Tecnician
Lucy Joseph LJO Exams and Data Administrator   
Lisa Smedley LSM Employability & Curriculum Enrichment Co-ordinator
Tara Damon TDA Comms Administrator/Science Technician
Trudi Brown TBR Finance officer  

Administration and Support Team

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Natalie Bannard NBA Executive Assistant to SLT
Nicola Way NWA Attendance Officer
Lucy Halsey LHA Receptionist/Administrative Assistant  
Carol Odell COD Receptionist/Administrative Assistant  
Sam Phillips SPH Cover Manager  
Jane Walker JWA Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Katie Gill KGI Attendance Administrator  
Michelle Du Pille MDP Assessment, Reporting and Records Coordinator
Vicky Scattergood VSC Librarian  
Tom Hatton THA Facilities Manager

Leadership Team

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Adam Crawte ACR Interim Principal  
Chris Bateman CBN Vice Principal
Darren Carter DCA Assistant Head of School
Ian Cooper ICO Assistant Head of School  
Matthew Hurren MHU Assistant Head of School
Claire Radd CRA Assistant Head of School

Teaching Department Contacts

Art, Design & Health & Social Care

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Ben Cousins BCS Curriculum Lead for Art and Design
Ella Armitage EAR Teacher of Art & Design  
Andrew Gardner AGA Teacher of Art & Design  
Ria Ireland RIR Assistant Curriculum Lead for Art and Design
Simon Isaacs SIS Teacher of Catering and Hospitality 
Ty Jeffery TJE Teacher of Art & Design
Emma McDowell EMC Teacher of Art & Design
Lisa Freeston LFR Teacher of Health & Social Care
Chantelle Dace CDA Art Technician/Reprographics
Andrew Sharman ASH Senior A&D Technician

Business & Computing

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Daniel Skeggs DSK Curriculum Lead for Business Studies and Computing  
Chris Bateman CBN Teacher of Computer Science/Vice Principal
Cheryl Collier CCO Teacher of Business/Public Services  
Simon Hill SHL Teacher of Economics/Careers
Jeni Reece JRE Teacher of Computer Science
Ketan Rohit KRO Teacher of Computer Science


NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Katie Dicker KDI Curriculum Lead for English
Kirsten Williams KWI Assistant Curriculum Lead for English
Ruby Breward RBR Teacher of English
Darren Carter DCA Teacher of English/Assistant Head of School
Annie Colyer ACO Teacher of English
Caitlin Holtman CHO Teacher of English
Rebecca Moreton RMO Teacher of English
Rachel Tracy RTR Teacher of English
Caitlin Wildman CWI Teacher of English

Geography & Culture & Ethics

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Daniel Rowe DRO Teacher of Geography


NameInitialRoleEmail Adress
Carl Brown CBR Co-Curriculum Lead for Maths
Alana Andrew ACH Co-Curriculum Lead for Maths
Sophie Allen SAL Teacher of Maths/PE  
Ian Cooper ICO Teacher of Maths/Assistant Head of School  
David Harris DHA Teacher of Maths
Chris McHarg CMC Teacher of Maths  
Claire Radd CRA Teacher of Maths/Assistant Head of School


NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Martin Brooks MBR Curriculum Lead MFL
Margaret Thompson MTN Curriculum Lead MFL
Katy Donovan KDO Teacher of MFL
Nadeane Newman NNE Teacher of MFL
Laura Per Gimeno LPG Teacher of MFL


NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Toni Hustwait THU Curriculum Lead for PE
Sophie Allen SAL Teacher of PE/Maths
Daniel Barrett DBA Teacher of PE/Science
Joel Beeney JBE Teacher of PE  
Shelby Pell SPE Teacher of PE
Alexis Rate ARA Teacher of PE
Matthew Sturgess MST Teacher of PE


Glenn Turner GTU Director of Science  
Josh Mayes JMS Assistant Curriculum Lead for Science  
Daniel Barrett DBA Teacher of Science/PE  
Sanjay Bhangal SBH Teacher of Science
Nicole Eales NEA Teacher of Science (maternity leave)
Matthew Hurren MHU Teacher of Science/Assistant Head of School
Laura Jenkins LJE Teacher of Science/PE  
Gergely Matyas GMS Teacher of Science  
Justine Mitchell-Bunce JMI Teacher of Science
Ayesha Mubarka AMU Teacher of Science  
Charles Okorie COE Teacher of Science  
Amber Towers ATO Teacher of Science
Lynsey Green LGR Senior Science Technician  
Tara Damon TDA Science Technician/Comms Administrator

Social Science

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Claire Johnson CJO Curriculum Lead Social Sciences 
Sepfrah Simpson SSI Teacher of Psychology  
Phil Crowther PCR Teacher of History
Andrew Stephenson ASE Teacher of History
Harriet Notley HNO Teacher of History/SENDCO

Performing Arts

NameInitialRoleEmail Address
Melissa Barron MBA Curriculum Lead for Performing Arts
Sarah Bishop SBP Teacher of Music
Zoe Downie ZDO Teacher of Drama  
Darren Carter DCA Teacher of Drama/Assistant Head of School   
Rachel Ward RWA Teacher of Drama/Dance